Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are conducted with utmost care for comfort, using local anesthesia and sedation to ensure a stress-free experience. Extractions may be necessary due to severe decay, advanced gum disease, impacted wisdom teeth, or for orthodontic preparation. We offer detailed aftercare instructions and discuss tooth replacement options, such as implants or bridges, to maintain your smile's function and aesthetics.

Quincy Street Dental Tooth Extraction
Give us a call today to find out more:
Find us:
801 N. Quincy Street, STE. 110 Arlington, VA 22203

Understanding Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are performed when a tooth is beyond repair, whether due to extensive damage, decay, or as part of orthodontic treatment preparation. Our approach focuses on patient comfort, utilizing local anesthesia and, if necessary, sedation options to facilitate a stress-free procedure. Common reasons for extractions include severe decay, advanced gum disease, impacted wisdom teeth, or to create space for orthodontic adjustments.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction:

  • Advanced Decay: Extraction may be necessary when restorative measures are no longer viable.
  • Periodontal Disease: In cases where gum disease has compromised tooth stability.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Removal is often required to prevent pain, infection, or crowding.
  • Orthodontic Preparation: Extractions may facilitate the proper alignment of remaining teeth.

Pain Management and Procedure

Our commitment is to ensure a comfortable procedure, minimizing pain with effective anesthesia. While you may feel pressure during the extraction, we aim to eliminate pain, with post-procedural discomfort managed through advised medication.

Post-Extraction Recovery

The recovery period typically spans 1-2 weeks, with detailed aftercare instructions provided to promote healing. Most individuals can resume their normal activities swiftly, adhering to our guidance on diet and oral hygiene.

Considering Tooth Replacement

The decision to replace an extracted tooth depends on its location and function. Options like dental implants or bridges are available for those seeking replacements for aesthetic or functional reasons.

Understanding the Cost

Extraction costs vary based on the complexity of the procedure. We strive for transparency in discussing expenses and exploring insurance coverage or payment plans to accommodate your financial situation.

Specialized Care for Single and Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Whether addressing a single problematic tooth or extracting wisdom teeth, our team ensures thorough care. Recovery from wisdom teeth extraction may require additional time, and we offer comprehensive support throughout the healing process.

To address your tooth extraction needs with expertise and empathy, contact Quincy Street Dental. Dr. Megan Borak and our team are here to guide you towards a solution that ensures your oral health and overall well-being.

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